5047 Newsbytes News Network 1996 Edition Windows: Getting Started: 1. Launch Windows. 2. Choose the FILE menu option from the Program Manager menu bar (Windows 3.x). Choose the Start menu option (Windows 95) 3. Choose the RUN menu option from the File menu (Windows 3.x). Choose the RUN menu option from the Start menu (Windows 95). 4. Type D:\INSTALL.EXE ---- where "D" is the drive letter of your CD-Rom drive. The above process will install icons for the Newsbytes program group that will contain: Newsbytes, Newsbytes WWW, Help for Newsbytes in Acrobat!, Acrobat installer, Readme and Register! icons. A TextWare Manual is available under the "Help" menu item in TextWare. Visit Newsbytes on the World Wide Web. Open news.htm with your favorite web browser. DOS: Getting Started: 1. From the DOS prompt type D: ---- where "D" is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive. 2. press the ENTER key. 3. Type NEWS. 4. Press the ENTER key. Please be sure to register this CD-ROM by printing out the file: "REGISTER.TXT" or send in the enclosed pre-printed registration card. This will insure that you will receive upgrades for this product and information about future products. WAYZATA TECHNOLOGY, INC 21 Northeast Fourth Street Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744 800-735-7321 800-377-7321 Technical Support (218) 326-0597 Telephone (218) 326-0598 Fax Info@Wayzata-Tech.com E-mail TechSupport@Wayzata-Tech.com E-mail WayzataTec@aol.com E-mail http://Wayzata-Tech.com World Wide Web